August 2024, n°839

Toyen, Untitled, 1967, collage, 14,5 x 29,5 cm, ©Bertrand Michau, courtesy Galerie Berthet-Aittouarès
The centenary of Surrealism, celebrated at the Centre Pompidou, is spreading to forty galleries across Paris.
More alive than ever, Surrealism is still relevant today, and the centenary celebration promises to be full of surprises. As a counterpoint to the exhibition at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, a sprawling event involving some forty galleries and partner bookshops will weave an incredible network across the capital, once so passionately explored by the surrealists. This event - or manifesto? - organised with the support of the Association André Breton and the Comité Professionnel des Galeries d'Art, features around fifty events (painting, poetry, photography, cinema), sometimes in several parts, running until March 2025. Some are centred on Breton and historical Surrealism, others on the impact, even contemporary, of this protean movement. There are also some interesting focuses and rediscoveries, such as this tribute to Georges Goldfayn, collector and assistant to André Breton (Galerie Berthet-Aittouarès) [...].
Valérie de Maulmin
PARIS SURREALISTE, a collective event bringing together Parisian galleries and bookshops, www.comitedesgaleriesdart.com
from August 31st to March.