May 2024, n°775
94 participating galleries
May 24th - 26th
Following in the footsteps of many European cities, art galleries in Paris have been organising a weekend of festivities for the last ten years. This year, the event takes place from May 24th to 26th. The principle remains the same as in previous years: the galleries (94 this year) are pulling out all the stops, showing original or unusual exhibitions and organising events (brunches, meetings with artists, guided tours, etc.). Some thirty galleries are also staging the opening of their new exhibition to coincide with the event.
For this anniversary, the Comité Professionnel des Galeries d'Art has come up with a new format borrowed from museums: a "carte blanche" given to a well-known figure to create an original exhibition. Galerie Zlotowski has asked curator Anne Bonin to design an exhibition around the theme of the stain, while writer Marie-Hélène Lafon (Renaudot Prize 2020) is orchestrating the presentation of artworks by sculptor Daniel Pontoreau at Galerie Berthet-Aittouarès.
In Paris, where they are concentrated in just a few districts, a tour of the galleries is always a pleasant and rewarding experience, when you are more or less certain to find new exhibitions with interesting artists. For those less familiar with the event, the organisers publish paper maps (and a website) so that you can select the streets and galleries you want to visit, or just let yourself be guided by chance. They have highlighted seven geographical itineraries, so you can stroll or take an invigorating tour to suit your mood.
Paris Gallery Weekend, exhibitions and events in 94 galleries in Paris (75), Pantin (93) and Romainville (93).
Jean-Christophe Castelain